Staying Connected as a Faith's how:
Click here for event details in the weekly bulletin
Worship On-line
Live Streaming Worship Sundays at 10am |
Daily Morning Prayer

Our Children's Digital Ministry is on summer break - we look forward to seeing you back in the Fall!
Welcome Pastor Sabrina!
We are delighted to welcome Pastor Sabrina LaBelle as the Associate Rector for Children & Youth Ministries! Pastor Sabrina will begin serving at Trinity in August, 2020. To learn more about Pastor Sabrina and her family, visit our Trinity Clergy page here.
Gather On-line
Becoming Beloved Community
Pandemic - How You Can Help Now

Our mission is...
to be a vital Christian community, affirming the gifts of all God’s people: women and men; young and old; of every race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, and disability. We are called by God to support each other at every stage of our faith journey as we pray, worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace, and love. By these means, we seek to restore all to unity with God and each other in Christ.
to be a vital Christian community, affirming the gifts of all God’s people: women and men; young and old; of every race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, and disability. We are called by God to support each other at every stage of our faith journey as we pray, worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace, and love. By these means, we seek to restore all to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Trinity Celebrates 125 years!Trinity's 125th Gala Celebration!
Wallingford Community Arts Center Postponed until further notice |
Worship Schedule
Education for AllChildren and Youth Ministries
Kids Club, Jr. Youth, and Youth Formation Hour continues online! See this week's Children and Youth Ministry News for details. Adult Forum
This program year, we are organizing our discussions around historical and current events arising from Trinity's 125 years as the Episcopal Church presence in the Swarthmore area. We are building ways to connect online during the current public health crisis. Please check this week's Bulletin for specifics of the Adult Forum schedule. |
The Year in Pictures
Thrift ShopUpcoming Sale Dates:
The Thrift Shop is currently closed. We are NOT accepting donations at this time. Please check back for updates. |