Trinity Youth
The youth program at Trinity continues to offer a variety of entry points and programs for faith formation at every age from pre-teens through high school. Youth are invited to become involved beginning in grade 6 with the youth feeding ministry and monthly youth Sundays. Many participate as acolytes. In grade 7 our youth spend several months preparing for the Rite 13 liturgy, which includes Scripture study, group building, and faith formation, and culminates in an all-parish celebration in June. Following Rite 13, youth are encouraged to stay involved in regular youth programs.
There are monthly special youth events such as Martin Luther King Day of Service, pasta supper, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and Stations of the Cross. In the Feeding ministry, first Sunday of each month, all youth gather to prepare meals for families experiencing homelessness. Food for forty is prepared and delivered by youth and families to the Connect Shelter in Upper Darby.
In the summer, all middle and high school students are invited on a summer mission and service trip. After their sophomore or junior year of high school, the group is invited to commit to a pilgrimage. This is a year-long preparation which includes service, group building, discussions, and fellowship. It culminates in a pilgrimage in June. Past pilgrimage locations were to Iona, Scotland or Corrymeela, Northern Ireland. Following pilgrimage, youth are invited to prepare for confirmation at the Bishop’s visit. They continue engagement with their faith life in the church as acolytes, Sunday school assistants, and other ministries.
There are monthly special youth events such as Martin Luther King Day of Service, pasta supper, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, and Stations of the Cross. In the Feeding ministry, first Sunday of each month, all youth gather to prepare meals for families experiencing homelessness. Food for forty is prepared and delivered by youth and families to the Connect Shelter in Upper Darby.
In the summer, all middle and high school students are invited on a summer mission and service trip. After their sophomore or junior year of high school, the group is invited to commit to a pilgrimage. This is a year-long preparation which includes service, group building, discussions, and fellowship. It culminates in a pilgrimage in June. Past pilgrimage locations were to Iona, Scotland or Corrymeela, Northern Ireland. Following pilgrimage, youth are invited to prepare for confirmation at the Bishop’s visit. They continue engagement with their faith life in the church as acolytes, Sunday school assistants, and other ministries.