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The People of Trinity Church welcome you!
Maybe Christianity is a faith tradition you have known since childhood and you are looking for a new church community. Maybe it is a faith that you wandered away from or that left you behind, when it seemed unable to embrace your growing sense of the inclusiveness of God's love or your questions about what is true. Maybe it is something you have only heard about through others and it's time to find out for yourself. Or maybe you have welcomed children into your home and you want them to grow up in a safe, loving community with good values. Whatever your reason, the people of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, invite you to come and see what we're about and why we feel called into spiritual community with one another, following Jesus Christ in the Episcopal tradition. You will be warmly welcomed by all, and I look forward to hearing your questions and getting to know you.
- "Fr. Ted" (The Rev. Dr. Edward E. Thompson, rector)
Maybe Christianity is a faith tradition you have known since childhood and you are looking for a new church community. Maybe it is a faith that you wandered away from or that left you behind, when it seemed unable to embrace your growing sense of the inclusiveness of God's love or your questions about what is true. Maybe it is something you have only heard about through others and it's time to find out for yourself. Or maybe you have welcomed children into your home and you want them to grow up in a safe, loving community with good values. Whatever your reason, the people of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, invite you to come and see what we're about and why we feel called into spiritual community with one another, following Jesus Christ in the Episcopal tradition. You will be warmly welcomed by all, and I look forward to hearing your questions and getting to know you.
- "Fr. Ted" (The Rev. Dr. Edward E. Thompson, rector)

Who Are We?
Trinity Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a faith community with a family atmosphere, with an emphasis on worship, outreach, and spiritual formation for all ages. We are a community that attracts people from Philadelphia to West Chester and into New Jersey. We believe God speaks in many "languages," and so we live into a variety of worship styles. In the fall of 2022, coming out of the pandemic, we restarted the full slate of three Sunday services, September through June. We have also recommitted to a church school program for children, ages 5-18, and to adult educational offerings in addition to the small-group gatherings that have continued throughout.
In an increasingly frantic and difficult world, we offer a place of prayer and of resources for deepening our connection with the Lord of life. The development of a healthy spiritual life, or "formation in the life of the Spirit", is the central focus of our life as a parish faith community.
Trinity Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a faith community with a family atmosphere, with an emphasis on worship, outreach, and spiritual formation for all ages. We are a community that attracts people from Philadelphia to West Chester and into New Jersey. We believe God speaks in many "languages," and so we live into a variety of worship styles. In the fall of 2022, coming out of the pandemic, we restarted the full slate of three Sunday services, September through June. We have also recommitted to a church school program for children, ages 5-18, and to adult educational offerings in addition to the small-group gatherings that have continued throughout.
In an increasingly frantic and difficult world, we offer a place of prayer and of resources for deepening our connection with the Lord of life. The development of a healthy spiritual life, or "formation in the life of the Spirit", is the central focus of our life as a parish faith community.

How Do We Worship?
Our Sunday worship draws us more deeply into communion with God and one another through Holy Eucharist, in which we hear the Word of God, respond with prayer and thanksgiving, and enter into the sacrament of Holy Communion with God and one another. We gather on Sundays for Holy Eucharist at 8a.m. and 10:30a.m., with the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer as our main resource for language. The 8:00 am liturgy follows Rite One , which recalls traditional language and theology. The 10:30am service, a new time and format in fall of 2024, follows Rite Two, which allows for much more variety in language and style of worship. Supported by our Director of Music and the Trinity Choirs, this service is full of a variety of types of music and many ways for congregants to take part in leading worship. Once a month, on second Sundays, this Trinity youth help lead the 10:30am service. Families with children of any age are welcome at all Sunday services. Childcare is available from September to June (9:30a.m. - 12pm, 6 months to PreK).
During the week, we gather for spiritual nurture at other times and in other ways, as well. Monday through Friday, parishioners gather online for Morning Prayer and discussion of the scriptures, often joined by the Rector. The midweek Holy Eucharist at Wednesday noon features a dialogical time for reflection and Holy Communion round the altar. The Monday evening Centering Prayer practices mindfulness in a Christian setting. Monthly, we gather for evening prayer in the meditative and musical fashion of Taizé. In any and all of these ways, we invite you to join in seeking God and the love God yearns to give through Christ.
Our Sunday worship draws us more deeply into communion with God and one another through Holy Eucharist, in which we hear the Word of God, respond with prayer and thanksgiving, and enter into the sacrament of Holy Communion with God and one another. We gather on Sundays for Holy Eucharist at 8a.m. and 10:30a.m., with the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer as our main resource for language. The 8:00 am liturgy follows Rite One , which recalls traditional language and theology. The 10:30am service, a new time and format in fall of 2024, follows Rite Two, which allows for much more variety in language and style of worship. Supported by our Director of Music and the Trinity Choirs, this service is full of a variety of types of music and many ways for congregants to take part in leading worship. Once a month, on second Sundays, this Trinity youth help lead the 10:30am service. Families with children of any age are welcome at all Sunday services. Childcare is available from September to June (9:30a.m. - 12pm, 6 months to PreK).
During the week, we gather for spiritual nurture at other times and in other ways, as well. Monday through Friday, parishioners gather online for Morning Prayer and discussion of the scriptures, often joined by the Rector. The midweek Holy Eucharist at Wednesday noon features a dialogical time for reflection and Holy Communion round the altar. The Monday evening Centering Prayer practices mindfulness in a Christian setting. Monthly, we gather for evening prayer in the meditative and musical fashion of Taizé. In any and all of these ways, we invite you to join in seeking God and the love God yearns to give through Christ.

How Do We Serve?
Trinity Church is known for its outreach and service in the community. We organize a number of ways to be involved in outreach programs, donations to food cupboards, volunteer opportunities in nearby Chester, Martin Luther King Day of Service, and mission trips, among other activities. We offer meeting space to self-help and advocacy groups. We are also open to new ideas! Do you have one to share?
Trinity Church is known for its outreach and service in the community. We organize a number of ways to be involved in outreach programs, donations to food cupboards, volunteer opportunities in nearby Chester, Martin Luther King Day of Service, and mission trips, among other activities. We offer meeting space to self-help and advocacy groups. We are also open to new ideas! Do you have one to share?
Interested in learning more?
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Click the button below to fill out our Welcome Form!