Growing up with Trinity Church -- The Trinity community invites children and youth of all ages to grow in the knowledge and love of God and to learn what it means to love others as ourselves.
Children's programming includes scripture, prayers, and music and engages body, mind, and spirit. Middle schoolers meet weekly for discussion and fun, with parishioner and professional teacher Jesse Clemmer. High school students meet monthly with the Rector, Fr. Ted. Confirmation is provided according to the rhythms of ages and readiness. In the summer, we worship on the lawn for 2-3 Sundays (weather permitting). Fun activities are scattered through the year, some for children and youth only, others for the entire parish that are young person-friendly.
How can families get involved with the Trinity community?
There are many ways for families with children to be part of the Trinity community. Beyond the educational programming for children and middle schoolers, all children and youth are invited to find their role in worship: from Youth Choir, to reading and acolyting. There are outreach events and ways to serve as well during social events, such as our Pasta Supper and Pancake Supper (both of which are fundraisers for Youth Ministries). Then there are the purely social activities, like bowling and bike-riding, and summer barbecues!
Have questions? Reach out to Amy Caruso, at [email protected], or to Fr. Ted, at [email protected]
Children's programming includes scripture, prayers, and music and engages body, mind, and spirit. Middle schoolers meet weekly for discussion and fun, with parishioner and professional teacher Jesse Clemmer. High school students meet monthly with the Rector, Fr. Ted. Confirmation is provided according to the rhythms of ages and readiness. In the summer, we worship on the lawn for 2-3 Sundays (weather permitting). Fun activities are scattered through the year, some for children and youth only, others for the entire parish that are young person-friendly.
How can families get involved with the Trinity community?
There are many ways for families with children to be part of the Trinity community. Beyond the educational programming for children and middle schoolers, all children and youth are invited to find their role in worship: from Youth Choir, to reading and acolyting. There are outreach events and ways to serve as well during social events, such as our Pasta Supper and Pancake Supper (both of which are fundraisers for Youth Ministries). Then there are the purely social activities, like bowling and bike-riding, and summer barbecues!
Have questions? Reach out to Amy Caruso, at [email protected], or to Fr. Ted, at [email protected]
Sunday 10am Program resumes Fall 2024September 15 through Memorial Day (approximate)
Elementary Formation - K- 5 meets at 10am beginning September 15th. Look for signage to direct checkin. Children gather together and use 'WHIRL" a bible-based curriculum and story based on the week's worship readings (lectionary). We also integrate elements of the worship service, including The Eucharist. Children have time to reach and reflect on what they heard in the story. Often a video will emphasize the main point of the lesson. Crafts and other activities along with simple snack time and prayer conclude each week. In October once Youth Sundays begin, the lesson time will be abbreviated as children will join the service at 10:30am. We learning the Lord's Prayer along with other prayers and songs. Intergenerational activities sometimes occur with the whole parish during this time. Two teachers are with the class at all times. Lessons mirror the Sunday bible readings and inclue parables from the Bible. Middle School Youth 6th through 8th Grades - Jesse Clemmer leads discussions and games with Middle School youth each Sunday. Learn about biblical figures. Games, videos, activities and snacks are included! Also, there will be larger group activities outside of the church during the year, so regular attendance means getting to know the group you'd be a part of and staying in the know for these new opportunities. The monthly feeding ministry outreach service program is being re-imagined! A summer service mission in 2024 was very successful; come learn plans for future trips. High School Youth 9th through 12th Grades Father Ted and Mary Thompson lead gatherings for high school youth throughout the year. Outreach service program ministry is being re-imagined! NURSERY: 6 months - 4 years old; 9am - 12:30pm most SUNDAYS, not summertime. Sign in required.
Stay in touch with the Children & Youth Ministries!Looking to learn more? Want to stay in touch? Join our email list and be sure to check the Children & Youth list.
All Ages Bowling - Sat. Sept. 14th, 2024 5-7pm SPROUL LANES in Broomall Bring a Friend!! ---------------------------------------------- Intergenerational Activities and Outreach In addition to Sunday morning formation, we continue to offer periodic, intergenerational, all-community formation and fellowship gatherings. Several times a year, youth in grades 6 through 12 gather in our church kitchen to prepare pasta, pancakes and other meals for the parish and the community, as fundraisers. Also, youth are involved in the Annual Christmas Wreath fundraiser and an intergenerational Advent Candle making event. Around age 13 they are invited to consider joining a confirmation program. Eleventh and twelfth grade youth have the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage. Past trips have been to Iona in Scotland or Corrymeela in Northern Ireland. Advent Candles & Christmas Wreaths ! All ages make Advent Candle Displays for our homes to faithfully mark the time leading up to Christmas.
Past Advent/Christmas Activities:
Sat. Dec. 2: 10am -11:30am : YOUTH DECORATE WREATHS, PREP for Sunday Distribution, Parish Hall
Sun., Dec. 3, First Sunday of Advent 10am, Make Advent candles for home; Pick up pre-purchased Christmas wreaths
Fri., Dec. 22 Christmas caroling, 6:30pm, followed by chili at the Rectory
Sun., Dec. 24 Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve
8am, Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am, Christmas Pageant Family Service, with Holy Communion (see above)
8pm, Christmas Eve candlelit mass, with choir
Mon., Dec. 25 10am, Christmas Day Holy Eucharist, with hymns
Advent Candles & Christmas Wreaths !
Sunday, December 3, at 10:00am
SUMMER 2024 Youth Mission Trip: June 29-July 7, 2024