Making Peace Within Ourselves and in the World:
Workshop 1:
Workshop 2:
Trinity Church, in partnership with Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, is proud to present two workshops featuring unique disciplines of peacemaking and peacebuilding. On November 10, Vieve Radha-Price, Chuk Obasi and Tayla Hernandez-Ritter of TÉA Creative will lead us to explore our own creativity and how we make meaning of the world. The workshop will be interactive and carry a focus on developing our capacities as peacemakers. On November 17, Nawal Rajeh will share from her award-winning work with the Nawal Rajeh Peace Camp in Baltimore, Maryland, a camp for urban youth which serves as both an oasis of peace and school for peacemaking -- to include across inter-religious divisions. Youth are encouraged to attend the Nov. 17 event.
Click here for full details. Space is limited. To register for either event, please email the Trinity Church office here.
Click here for full details. Space is limited. To register for either event, please email the Trinity Church office here.