Altar Guild

The Altar Guild are the women and men who prepare the elements of Holy Communion in the sanctuary. They work on rotation, usually on Saturday mornings and then on Sundays between and after the two services. Altar Guild members do not have to know anything about how to do this in advance. However, they should have a sense of reverence for Holy Communion and enjoy taking care of the silver, linen and ceramics we use in our services. We do send things out for special repairs and major washing! Currently, co-chairs AnnMarie Stanton and Kristin Cardi have divided up the role, such that AnnMarie does the rotational scheduling and Kristin handles communications. The Altar Guild also enjoy time with one another, including at a yearly luncheon. All are invited to inquire.
Acolytes are members of the laity who assist during the 10:30 a.m. service, as well as other special services. The Acolyte Guild is open to anyone from the 5th grade (and in individual cases younger) and up; including, contrary to what some think, adults. Acolytes serve several functions in worship. There is always a First crucifer and if we have enough acolytes a Second crucifer, two Torch Bearers and a Gospel Bearer. Do not worry, training will be provided! If anyone is interested in becoming an acolyte or learning more about the different roles, please contact the verger, Rich Englebach at [email protected] |
Chalice Bearers
Chalice bearers are members of the laity that assist the priest by serving the wine during communion at the 8:00a.m. and 10:30a.m. service. On occasion they will fill a role of an acolyte. If anyone is interested in becoming a chalice bearer, please contact the verger, Rich Englebach at [email protected]
A verger is a member of the laity who works under the direction of their Rector, Interim Rector, or Priest-in-Charge to assist with the organization and operation and logistical details of religious services. Trinity has two vergers, Rich Englebach and AnnMarie Stanton. Rich Englebach oversees the lay members of the service: chalice bearers, acolytes, intercessors, lay readers and altar guild. Rich schedules the chalice bearers, intercessors and acolytes. He also trains the chalice bearers while his wife trains the acolytes. Rich and our other verger, AnnMarie Stanton, take turns in the role for the morning services and other special services. AnnMarie is also co-chair of the Altar Guild.
The Intercessor leads the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Reading from the written text sent in advance, the Intercessor seeks to convey the words in a spirit of prayer, following the prayer form and any special instructions for that day.
The Intercessor leads the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Reading from the written text sent in advance, the Intercessor seeks to convey the words in a spirit of prayer, following the prayer form and any special instructions for that day.
Ushers greet, distribute bulletins, provide guidance, count attendees, collect offerings, present offerings and bread/wine to the altar. Ushers usually have a scheduled rotation. If interested, please contact Trinity's Office Administrator. - Jay Gillespie, Usher Coordinator (10:30 service)
Readers serve in rotation, with freedom to switch dates among themselves. Readers receive the assigned reading for a given service, prayerfully read through it in advance, and then read for the congregation on the appropriate day. Patterns differ slightly between the 8 and 10:30am service. Though we have seasoned Readers as part of the Lectors' Guild, new Readers are absolutely welcome. Please speak with the Rector or our Guild chairperson, Joe Caruso.
Family of the Week
The Former Family of the Week is now melded with our regular planning for Greeters/Ushers and Readers. If your child or youth would like to help welcome or guide part of the service in these roles, possibly with you accompanying them, please speak to the rector or one of the vergers!
Lay Eucharistic Minister
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are trained in how to take the elements of Holy Eucharist from the liturgy to a member of the church who is unable to receive communion in the church building. Individuals report feeling blessed by the interactions as part of this service. If you would like to join this faithful group, please speak with the Rector or Deacon Marj Oughton.