Stewardship 2023
The 2023 Pledge Drive has begun...
[Jesus said] "I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit..." ~John 15:5 Do you want to see Trinity bear much fruit in 2023 ? [John 15:5] Are you grafted into God's fruitfulness through Trinity ? [Romans 11:17] ...If you are or just want to be, then please choose Trinity and give generously to the work of God through Trinity in 2023. |
Pledges of financial support are critical to helping Trinity's vestry leaders be faithful and prudent with church finances in the new year. Please respond with your pledge by Nov. 6. Then, join in worship on November 13 to celebrate the generosity is accomplishing in us, that we might be fruitful in faithfulness and good works in 2023.
Special thanks to Stewardship 2023 Co-Chairs: Jan Dreaschlin and Suzanne West |