Stations of the Cross
Good Friday 2020
From ancient times, Christians have made pilgrimages to holy places. You are invited to walk the traditional path Jesus took from his arrest to his passion and death, using images lovingly and faithfully painted, sketched, chalked, glued, constructed, photographed and digitally- prepared for you by Trinity parishioners. Moving from station to station, follow the events, let the prayers draw you in the narrative, and explore this virtual opportunity to understand something of Christ's passion and your involvement in it.
Station IJesus is condemned to death |
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You.
Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus, after having been blasphemed, mocked, and scourged, is dragged before Pilate and unjustly condemned to die with disgrace on the Cross. My loving Jesus, it was my sins, not Pilate, that condemned You to die. Grant that I may detest them with all my heart, and by the merits of this sorrowful journey obtain Your mercy and pardon to assist my soul on its journey towards eternity. My beloved Jesus, I love You above all things. I am truly sorry for having offended You, and I repent with my whole heart. May I never offend You again. Grant that I may never cease to love You, and do with me as You will. |
Station IIJesus takes up his cross |
We adore You, O Christ, and we bless You.
Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world. Jesus accepts His cross, the instrument that He will use to redeem the world. As He carries the heavy cross on His bruised shoulders He thinks of me, and offers His pending death to His Father for my sins, so that I may live. My most beloved Jesus, grant me by the virtue of Your Cross to embrace with meekness and cheerful submission all the tribulations You have destined for me until my death. By the merits of the pain You suffered in carrying Your Cross give me the necessary help to be ever ready to take up my cross and follow You with perfect patience and resignation. My beloved Jesus, I love You above all things. I am truly sorry for having offended You, and I repent with my whole heart. May I never offend You again. Grant that I may never cease to love You, and do with me as You will. |