October 11, 2020: Rite 13 Celebration
Congratulations to our nine Rite 13 celebrities: John Reilly, Emily Reilly, William Thompson, Catherine Caruso, Annika Slootmaker, Louis Parker, Sam Fritz, Charlotte Hull, and Iffie Asuzu! On October 11th, the Rite 13 youth led the worship service, marking the culmination of a several months’ journey of studying scripture and meeting with their sponsors, Fr. Ted and Pastor Sabrina. Rite 13 acknowledges the journey toward coming of age as an adult in the Church and in the world. Observed around the time of one’s 13th year of life, it is a celebration of young adulthood, the creative and critical energies and capacities growing in those on their way to the responsibilities and privileges of life as an adult. “Celebrities,” as our Rite 13 youth are called, prepared with our clergy and adult sponsors from the congregation in order to lead in our service of worship. Special thanks to Kristin Cardi for her leadership in shepherding the Rite 13 program this year.