Outreach Mission & Ministries
Outreach and community partnerships are central to the mission of Trinity. We are dedicated not only to provide financial support but also to engage with our surrounding communities in meaningful ways.
- As part of our Covenant with Eastside Ministries we provide volunteers who work in the afterschool and the food distribution programs. One of our members started a computer lab to work with teens on essential computer skills. Another is on the board of directors.
- Trinity collects food donations and volunteers to help distribute food on a weekly basis at St. Mary’s Food Cupboard, Chester.
- Every 2 to 3 months Trinity hosts families experiencing homelessness through the Family Promise (INH) program. Trinity families make meals and eat with our guests. Our Thrift Shop opens its doors so that IHN parents can take clothing and other items they may need for themselves and their children free of charge. Other volunteers spend the night to help out as needed.
- Trinity volunteers also serve meals at Episcopal Place for older adults.
- Once a month our Youth Group prepares and delivers a meal for Connect Shelter in Darby.
- Every other year the Youth Group travels to other parts of the country on a mission trip. Here they provide service, interact with the community they are visiting, and get to know youth from around the country.
- This year we are exploring ways to get involved with the Darby Mission. We are hoping to be able to organize a meal where parishioners can eat with and get to know our neighbors in Darby.
Five years ago Trinity started a Martin Luther King Day of Service where parishioners and community members join together to prepare meals for Aid for Friends. This program has become so successful that we are looking for ways to expand our service offerings.
In the fall we have a drive to collect items to contribute to the Seaman’s Church Institute to provide Christmas Ditty Bags for seafarers docked in Philadelphia. Members of our Heartstrings group contribute hand knitted scarves and hats.
Our Outreach-Community Partnerships Program also has a discretionary fund to provide financial contributions where there is need. In 2017 contributions have gone to support campers at the Chester Eastside Summer Program, Episcopal Community Service’s urgent appeal for funds to purchase school uniforms, hurricane relief following Hurricane Maria, support for the BLUME music program for children in Haiti and more.
Volunteer Opportunities at Trinity
Martin Luther King Day of Service - each MLK Day Parishioners and Community Members join together in Parish Hall to cook meals, make breakfast bags and cards of encouragement which are distributed to our area shut-ins by Aid for Friends.
Seaman's Church Institute Ditty Bags - Collection of personal items for our local seafarers begin in November for a Christmas distribution. Items to donate include hats, gloves, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream and razors. Watch the fall church bulletin for more information.
Chester Eastside is expanding their offering to the hungry who come in on Mondays and Wednesday for food supplies. They have a need for A FOOD PREPARATION VOLUNTEER to assist our volunteer kitchen leader in preparing hot casseroles. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Bill North at [email protected] for more information.
Food Collection: we collect food every week to help supply St. Mary's Food Cupboard in Chester. Please make bringing non-perishable food items a part of your weekly offering. Food is collected in the baskets at the back of the church. Volunteers also help pack and distribute food at St. Mary's.
Episcopal Place at Park Row, a senior living community in Chester is looking for volunteers. If you can give 2 hours of your time, this is a great outreach opportunity for individuals, couples, or a parent and older kids. This service can be weekly, monthly, yearly or as often as you wish. Low cost dinners are available to area seniors on Tuesday and Thursday nights and 2 or 3 volunteers are needed each night for light set up and serving. The time commitment is minimal, 4:30 - no later than 6:30 pm. Contact Theresa at Episcopal Place for more information or to set up a date to help. 610-892-7704
Martin Luther King Day of Service - each MLK Day Parishioners and Community Members join together in Parish Hall to cook meals, make breakfast bags and cards of encouragement which are distributed to our area shut-ins by Aid for Friends.
Seaman's Church Institute Ditty Bags - Collection of personal items for our local seafarers begin in November for a Christmas distribution. Items to donate include hats, gloves, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream and razors. Watch the fall church bulletin for more information.
Chester Eastside is expanding their offering to the hungry who come in on Mondays and Wednesday for food supplies. They have a need for A FOOD PREPARATION VOLUNTEER to assist our volunteer kitchen leader in preparing hot casseroles. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Bill North at [email protected] for more information.
Food Collection: we collect food every week to help supply St. Mary's Food Cupboard in Chester. Please make bringing non-perishable food items a part of your weekly offering. Food is collected in the baskets at the back of the church. Volunteers also help pack and distribute food at St. Mary's.
Episcopal Place at Park Row, a senior living community in Chester is looking for volunteers. If you can give 2 hours of your time, this is a great outreach opportunity for individuals, couples, or a parent and older kids. This service can be weekly, monthly, yearly or as often as you wish. Low cost dinners are available to area seniors on Tuesday and Thursday nights and 2 or 3 volunteers are needed each night for light set up and serving. The time commitment is minimal, 4:30 - no later than 6:30 pm. Contact Theresa at Episcopal Place for more information or to set up a date to help. 610-892-7704
Join the Outreach Committee! For more information contact Barbara Nagel at [email protected]