Martin Luther King, Jr. Morning of Service
January 16, 2023
In honor of the legacy of the late Dr. King, Trinity Swarthmore hosted its 9th annual Morning of Service in support of Caring For Friends and other non-profit organizations which provides meals to individuals who have little to no food and shelter resources. Our goal was to collect 1,000 breakfast bags made by the local community. Volunteers took the breakfast bags to the non-profit organizations to distribute to those they serve. This annual inter-generational morning of service event is family friendly, where people of all ages come together in support of those in need.
Thank you to all who made our 9th annual MLK Morning of Service a successful gathering of service and community in honor of Dr. King! See photos below of this year's event. We gathered over 1,500 breakfast bags and made 100 hot meals for local organizations serving those in need.
Thank you to all who made our 9th annual MLK Morning of Service a successful gathering of service and community in honor of Dr. King! See photos below of this year's event. We gathered over 1,500 breakfast bags and made 100 hot meals for local organizations serving those in need.
How to make breakfast bags:
Step 1: Gather breakfast bag itemsEach breakfast bag contains one of each of the items below:
Step 2: Make a hand-made note
Step 3: Put the food and note in a ziplock bag
Step 4: Drop off the assembled breakfast bags at Trinity on January 16th between 11:30am and 1pm